September newsletter 2012
Website, Wicca and Bacon. Oh my!
So what do any of these things have to do with A World Apart? Well, a lot actually. For starters, did you know that A World Apart is the host and primary sponsor of 2 internet radio shows? Yup, and we are loving it! Our evening show is Circle of Angels Talk Radio that covers a variety or topics that have to do with helping you find your Angelic guidance. We take ideas that are spiritual yet confusing, instead of telling listeners what they should think we hope to teach them how to ask the right questions and get their own spiritual answers. Priesty and The Witch in the Morning is where we talk about local news and funny topics... which brings us to bacon. On our last show, Tomas aka Priesty talked about his scrapple experience which turned into a Team Bacon vs Team Scapple contest. Wanna know more? Tune in every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am or visit us on facebook at You can find our current and archived shows by visiting
Aside from having fun with our radio shows we have been working on developing and refining our workshops. On September 20th at 7pm we will be starting the Fundamentals of Wicca class series (formally known as Wicca 101). This 12 week series of classes will take you from the roots of Paganism all the way to modern day Wicca. Whether you are new to Wicca or have been practicing for a while, have no idea what its all about or simply want to expand your spiritual knowledge base, then join us. Cost to attend is a suggested minimum donation of $5.00 per class. We also recently wrapped up the level 1 & 2 Reiki certification classes that we such a wonderful experience for all in attendance. We will be hosting the next level 1 & 2 certification in October/November which includes all the necessary attunements, guidance and hands on practice. Cost to attend Reiki 1 & 2 is $300. Class size is limited to 6 participants with a non-refundable $50 deposit ($250 due at first class) required to hold your spot. Classes fill up quickly so if you are interested please contact us asap.
There are more workshops on the horizon too! Want to learn more about tapping into Divine Angelic Energy? Then the Angel Energy Development workshop is THE place to be.Coming this Fall, learn to use dowsing rods as an angelic energy tool. You will learn basic use of dowsing rods and several exercises to help you develop a contemplative and meditative spirit. Learn to quiet the distracting thoughts and opposing energies you encounter throughout your day. You wont want to miss this experience; it is a doorway into the unseen world in which we live. Cost: $45 includes dowsing rods. Space is limited so you must reserve your spot in advance with a non-refundable $10 deposit. If you are bringing your own rods, cost is $30. Cost also includes an information packet with exercises and worksheets for you to use at home. Also this Fall are workshops on herbs including various home remedies, learn more about crystals and their different uses, psychic development workshops and much more so stay tuned!
Well whats new with the website? Lots, and there is more to come! First you may have noticed that we downsized our site a bit and made room for our fabulous line of teas. All teas are made and packaged fresh by us using certified organic ingredients. What really has us excited is you can now order your Angel Readings and Reiki services online! Both services are offered in person and as distance services. We know that many of our "fans" live out of our region but would still like to benefit from our services. By offering them online and giving you the option for a distance service or an in person appointment we can better serve all of our loyal customers and fans alike.
With all that being said I once again want to thank your for all of your love and support. Please enjoy the attached coupon and feel free to pass this new letter along to your friends and family.
Warm Regards,
A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave~Pennsville, NJ 08070 (856) 678-2444
Save $10
on orders over $50* until 9/14/2012.
Use coupon code: weloveu
October newsletter 2012
Knock Knock...
Who's there? OCTOBER!!! October is upon us and before we know it Halloween will be here. What are your plans for Halloween this year? We’ve got a few “tricks” up our sleeve and a great way to keep up on the latest happenings is to check out the calendar of events which can be found here: .
This is where we are posting all the workshops, in store and on the road events we are either hosting or participating in. Be sure to check back often as we are finding more and more things to add to our calendar.
Speaking of on the road. Did you know you can have A World Apart come to you? We are offering one of our most popular services right in your own home! Angel Readings and Psychic and Mediumship Readings are an in-home party like no other! Invite up to ten friends and partake in a most amazing and divine experience!
• Find out what your Angels want you to know!
• Connect with those that have passed with a mediumship reading
• Get the inspiration and answers to life’s questions with a psychic reading
As a Host you will receive a FREE 30-minute one-on-one reading prior to your party at A World Apart. Any guest who books a party through your event will receive a 10% discount on a full one-on-one reading at A World Apart with a FREE 15-minute follow-up reading within two weeks from their discounted reading.
Angel Parties are approximately 3 hours. At the start of the party, your guests will participate in a group demonstration of the services available. This will include a demonstration of the use of dowsing rods and the interpretation of thought-energy fields. Then each guest will have a private one-on-one reading of their choice with Bro. Tomas Martin, OpD. During the reading sessions, guests enjoy shopping our angelic gifts display and also will receive mini-angel card readings with Brother Tomas’ assistant. A group reading and Q&A session will wrap up the party.
Pricing: $20.00/ per person when booking 10 guests (Host is free)
$25.00/per person when booking under 10 guests (Host is free)
Cash/Credit Cards can be used to book and pay for party, however the angelic gifts display (at the party) is cash & carry!
Please book your event 2-3 weeks prior to the event date.
For those of you following us on facebook, have you been enjoying our chakra posts? We love the new series we are presenting on our Circle of Angels radio network Monday evenings at 7pm. Each week we will be covering a different chakra, starting with the root and ending with the crown. Think of this like your own private chakra lessons. On Priesty &the Witch in the morning we are covering the latest news and ideas that make us go hmmmm?... Each week we talk about Wiccan and Catholic holy days, moons phases and much more. Check it out by following this link:
We’ve got a pretty large following on both networks and would like to share the opportunity with those of you that are interested in advertising. Circle of Angels radio network is growing and gaining a rather large audience. To date we have over 7000 listens to our broadcasts and would like to help other businesses take advantage of this amazing opportunity. We have put together 2 different advertising deals that are sure to fit EVERY budget.
Package 1 $40.00
Two 30 second ads on the Circle of Angels hour and one 30 second ad on the Priesty and the Witch in the morning show. These ads run for one month every Monday and Wednesday, so its like getting 8 commercials. We can record an ad for you or you can submit canned audio to us.
Package 2 $75.00
One 15 minute spot that broadcasts at the end of the Circle of Angels hour. This 15 minute spot can be an interview that we record with you, canned audio you send us or in some cases a live segment. This is a one time airing at $75 per air.
*Bonus* you get an mp3 clip of the "mini-sode" for your own promotional use.
No matter what package you choose you get an incredible value because after the show is aired live, it then goes into an archive and can be accessed at any time! See for yourself by visiting
Anyone interested in advertising can contact Eden at A World Apart (856) 678-2444 or email
For those of you still looking for a deal but not in advertising, check out the monthly membership package deals we’ve put together for our spiritual services:
$159/month gets you 4 spiritual services. Pay up front for maximum savings or break it down into 2 payments of $82 or 4 payments of $42.
For only $30 more ($189) a month you get 4 spiritual services and 1 Reiki service (1 full or 4 minis)
Again, pay upfront for maximum savings or break it down to 2 payments of $97.50 or 4 payments of $50.
Memberships are limited to 12 people so once they are full you will be put on a waiting list. Services must be used within 30 days of signing up. If paying in 4 installments then you may only use one service per week. Services may be transferred but still must be used within the 30 day period. Any services not used in the 30 day period will not be refunded.
A full list of services offered with this deal can be found on our web site:
Warm Regards,
November newsletter 2012
Thank YOU!
November for me is a time of reflection on thanks. So often we can get caught up in the day to day events of life. Rushing from errand to errand, work to school to meetings etc, we tend to forget to slow down and give thanks. Thanks for the people that help make our day that much better. Be it a friendly cashier or your best friend there when you need them most. As a business owner I always want my customers know how much you are appreciated and cherished. So with that being said, we had a ton of fun this past month and are so glad to have had you as a part of it. We set the stage but it’s the customers like you that make the show. Thank you always for your continued support and patronage. I would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to all the wonderful volunteers at A World Apart. Without them many of the events and specials just would not be. Thanks again to EVERYONE that is in some way a part of my A World Apart family. So I’ve been hearing a buzz on Facebook about some changes that are going on with regards to who sees what in the news feed. I am not sure about the accuracy but I figure it’s better to be safe than sorry so here we go. To keep A World Apart in your feed, (or any business or interest page that you ‘like’) follow these simple instructions:
1.Go to A World Apart’s Facebook page on your computer (it will not work from your mobile device).
2. Go to the tool icon (on the right of your page, looks like a little gear) and the drop box will appear.
3. Click on the "add to interest list".
That way you won't miss any of our posts. Thanks for your support!
In case you haven’t been checking our calendar of events page on the website, this Friday (November 2nd) we are offering 15 minute Psychic Mediumship readings. Since this is a once in a while offering, slots fill up fast. Call us as soon as possible to schedule your appointment. 856-678-2444
Okay, you know how you get those 20% off Bed Bath & Beyond coupons in the mail and you never get around to using them? Well guess what, you can use them right here at A World Apart! Bring in your 20% off Bed Bath & Beyond coupon and receive 20% off any one item. Bring in as many as you want, there is no limit on how many coupons you can use per visit. They are even valid on full services! (sorry, not valid for minis or ½ hour services)
Angel Tuesdays are here. Many of you have experienced and enjoyed Sherry’s Angel Card readings that she has done on Facebook. Now you can make an appointment or walk in any Tuesday for your in person Angel Card reading. Readings being offered are: “Your Personal Week at a Glance” 3 cards reading for $25.00 “What Your Angels Want You to Know” 4 card reading for $35.00 “Spiritual Journey” 5 card reading for $45.00 “General Reading” 6 card reading for $55.00
Speaking of readings... Tarot readings are coming! Many of you have been asking when we will be offering Tarot readings and I am happy to announce that the time is fast approaching. Starting in the next few weeks we will offer Tarot readings every Saturday. Walk in’s are always welcome but appointments are preferred. Stay tuned for more information!
We have come to the end of another news letter and again I want to thank you for all you do. Please feel free to share these newsletters and our information with anyone you think might be interested. We love referrals and that is a great way for you to show your love for us. Remember to take time to slow down and appreciate all that you have and have experienced. Some things you may wish have never happened but they are a part of your past and helped to make you what you are today.
Light & Love,
Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444
Save 15% on all orders until 11/15/2012. Use coupon code: nov15save Start Shopping Now!
December newsletter 2012
Season’s greetings!
December is here and holiday shopping is in full swing! With the hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year, it’s easy to forget to take time out for ourselves. This month at A World Apart you can come in, re-charge your batteries and at the same time NOT drain your wallet. For a limited time you can receive a mini Reiki session for only $10, that’s less than ½ price! A mini Reiki session can give you that relaxation and peace of mind you need to get through the rest of the holiday season. As a reminder, if you can’t figure out what to get that special someone, don't stress out, gift certificates are available in any amount and spend the same as cash.
Aside from great deals happening this month in store, you can still use your bed bath & beyond 20% off coupons for any regularly priced items (excluding printed materials such as books & tarot cards). Discounts will be applied at our discretion and only 20% off coupons will be accepted.
A World Apart is more than just a unique shopping experience; it’s also a place to get amazing services by what I believe to be the best in their field. Angel Readings are by far our most popular service and for good reason. Tomas has a way of tapping into that unseen energy that surrounds all of us and relaying to you the information you need to make positive changes in your life. Each reading is unique and varies from client to client.
Here is what one of our recent clients had to say about their Angel Reading: “Just wanted to send Tomas a note of thanks for the angel reading he did for me on Wednesday. The reading stirred up a lot of emotions for me, I did not expect it to be so affecting. I could actually feel an internal shift after the session that I believe will lead to positive changes. It's refreshing to meet a spiritual person who is easy to relate to will definitely be back for future readings. Thanks for a great experience!" –R
If you would like to experience an Angel Reading call the shop at 856-678-2444 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment for you. Interested in bringing A World Apart to your home? You can do just that with an Angel Party. Invite up to ten friends and partake in a most amazing and divine experience!
• Find out what your Angels want you to know! • Connect with those that have passed with a mediumship reading. • Get the inspiration and answers to life’s questions with a psychic reading
As a Host you will receive a FREE 30-minute one-on-one reading prior to your party at A World Apart. Any guest who books a party through your event will receive a 10% discount on a full one-on-one reading at A World Apart with a FREE 15-minute follow-up reading within two weeks from their discounted reading. More information can be found about Angel Parties by visiting
Now I would also like to take a moment to introduce the newest member of the A World Apart team, Monica. She is the facilitator for the Fundamentals of Wicca workshop series and our new Tarot Card reader. She is not only a really wonderful person but a talented card reader. Monica is only available for readings on Saturdays so appointments are required. A tarot reading is anywhere from 15-30 minutes long at a cost of only $30!
Have you found us on Twitter yet? Follow AWorldApartNJ for quick updates, tips and the occasional Twitter-only special deals. For those of you following us on facebook, to receive all the latest information in your news feed, follow these simple instructions: 1. Go to A World Apart’s Facebook page on your computer (it will not work from your mobile device). 2. Go to the tool icon (on the right of your page, looks like a little gear) and the drop box will appear. 3. Click on the "add to interest list". By following those simple steps you wont miss a single update or deal happening in store. Body Jewelry fans can stay updated by 'liking'
Thank you so much for your support. If you enjoy your experience at A World Apart let us know. Leave us feedback on our facebook page under recommendations, or tell your friends and family about us. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it lets us know how much A World Apart is loved and needed. Your continued support and positive feedback is what keeps all of us at A World Apart going and inspired to find the best there is to offer you.
Thank you again and have a safe and happy holiday season!
Warm Regards, Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444
December is here and holiday shopping is in full swing! With the hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year, it’s easy to forget to take time out for ourselves. This month at A World Apart you can come in, re-charge your batteries and at the same time NOT drain your wallet. For a limited time you can receive a mini Reiki session for only $10, that’s less than ½ price! A mini Reiki session can give you that relaxation and peace of mind you need to get through the rest of the holiday season. As a reminder, if you can’t figure out what to get that special someone, don't stress out, gift certificates are available in any amount and spend the same as cash.
Aside from great deals happening this month in store, you can still use your bed bath & beyond 20% off coupons for any regularly priced items (excluding printed materials such as books & tarot cards). Discounts will be applied at our discretion and only 20% off coupons will be accepted.
A World Apart is more than just a unique shopping experience; it’s also a place to get amazing services by what I believe to be the best in their field. Angel Readings are by far our most popular service and for good reason. Tomas has a way of tapping into that unseen energy that surrounds all of us and relaying to you the information you need to make positive changes in your life. Each reading is unique and varies from client to client.
Here is what one of our recent clients had to say about their Angel Reading: “Just wanted to send Tomas a note of thanks for the angel reading he did for me on Wednesday. The reading stirred up a lot of emotions for me, I did not expect it to be so affecting. I could actually feel an internal shift after the session that I believe will lead to positive changes. It's refreshing to meet a spiritual person who is easy to relate to will definitely be back for future readings. Thanks for a great experience!" –R
If you would like to experience an Angel Reading call the shop at 856-678-2444 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment for you. Interested in bringing A World Apart to your home? You can do just that with an Angel Party. Invite up to ten friends and partake in a most amazing and divine experience!
• Find out what your Angels want you to know! • Connect with those that have passed with a mediumship reading. • Get the inspiration and answers to life’s questions with a psychic reading
As a Host you will receive a FREE 30-minute one-on-one reading prior to your party at A World Apart. Any guest who books a party through your event will receive a 10% discount on a full one-on-one reading at A World Apart with a FREE 15-minute follow-up reading within two weeks from their discounted reading. More information can be found about Angel Parties by visiting
Now I would also like to take a moment to introduce the newest member of the A World Apart team, Monica. She is the facilitator for the Fundamentals of Wicca workshop series and our new Tarot Card reader. She is not only a really wonderful person but a talented card reader. Monica is only available for readings on Saturdays so appointments are required. A tarot reading is anywhere from 15-30 minutes long at a cost of only $30!
Have you found us on Twitter yet? Follow AWorldApartNJ for quick updates, tips and the occasional Twitter-only special deals. For those of you following us on facebook, to receive all the latest information in your news feed, follow these simple instructions: 1. Go to A World Apart’s Facebook page on your computer (it will not work from your mobile device). 2. Go to the tool icon (on the right of your page, looks like a little gear) and the drop box will appear. 3. Click on the "add to interest list". By following those simple steps you wont miss a single update or deal happening in store. Body Jewelry fans can stay updated by 'liking'
Thank you so much for your support. If you enjoy your experience at A World Apart let us know. Leave us feedback on our facebook page under recommendations, or tell your friends and family about us. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it lets us know how much A World Apart is loved and needed. Your continued support and positive feedback is what keeps all of us at A World Apart going and inspired to find the best there is to offer you.
Thank you again and have a safe and happy holiday season!
Warm Regards, Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444
January newsletter 2013
I hope this email finds you well and ready to discover the wondrous things 2013 has to offer. For most people, a new year marks the time to make changes in one’s life. Often these plans are made with the best intentions but as the weeks and months pass those plans end up fizzling out. So I ask you this; ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR NEW YEARS RESOLUTION? If you are, then this year we have a new service where you can work one on one with Tomas as your accountability partner to keep you on the right path and give you spiritual feedback, support and encouragement. This plan was developed to help you achieve those goals and maintain them for life. Your first session is an hour where you will discuss your resolutions and create an action plan, then meet once a month for 30 minutes. Due to Tomas’ limited availability only a few slots will be made available for this service. Cost for this program is $35 for your first session then $20 for each additional session for the remainder of the year. This program will start on January 15th so be sure to register early to reserve your spot.
In case you haven’t been in the store lately, there is a buzz about the new crystal workshop that will be coming soon. This workshop will be covering how to select and care for your crystals as well as identify various forms and configurations and what to do with your crystals once you bring them home. The projected date for this class will be January 30th. Details are posted on and on Keep checking back for the latest information on what’s happening and when.
As many of you know, one of our most popular services is an Angel Reading with Tomas. Due to the high demand for this service and with much consideration we have decided to implement some price changes that will go into effect starting February 1st of this year. For Tomas’ new and existing clients, if you come in before February 1st and fill out our new Spiritual Services Information Form you will get locked into the 2012 rates (new clients fill out the form at time of service).
For all the body jewelry fans reading this, I am happy to tell you I have been able to make some great deals with my vendors this year to bring you lower prices on many of our items. Starting January 15th we will also be starting our loyalty club. For every 10 body jewelry items you purchase you will receive 25% off your next body jewelry item. All you need to do is present your card at each purchase, we will mark off each item, and once your card is full you can redeem it! It’s that easy!
As a reminder you can always stay current on the latest events and sales at A World Apart by following us on Twitter (AWorldApartNJ) or liking us on facebook (be sure to click on the little gear next to the like button to add us to your interest list.) and visiting our website Of course you can also stop in and visit to see whats new, you never know what you might find!
Here's to a fantastic new year!
Mid-January newsletter 2013
At A World Apart, we are featuring a different crystal each month? January’s crystal is Amethyst. Here are just a few of the attributes of this beautiful stone: Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone. Its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. It also has strong healing, cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. Amethyst calms or stimulates the mind as appropriate. It facilitates the decision making process, enhances memory and improves motivation. Take 10% off any Amethyst product from now through January 31st.
Have you met Jack? Jack is our resident crystal skull with an amazing energy you need to experience for yourself. When I acquired Jack, I felt energy unlike any other from a crystal. I decided that instead of slapping on a price tag and making a sale that I would keep Jack and make him available to anyone that walks through my door. I realize that not everyone has it in their budget to pay for private meditation sessions, and I truly believe this crystal is meant to be shared. To make it affordable for everyone, in lieu of charging a fee for a session with the skull, we only ask for a monetary donation of what you see fit. Walk-ins or appointments are welcome to experience the amazing energy of this crystal skull.
At my most recent visit to one of my vendors, I came across a really great quartz cluster. As a way of saying Thank You for your continued support, I am offering you the use of the cluster to charge your personal crystals for no cost. Bring in some of your crystals and place them on the cluster to get a nice energy boost while you shop. The cluster has been Reiki charged and has a really great feel to it.
We’ve also got some new products available, such as Zodiac Crystal Pouches, Mini crystal pouches, and Tumbled Stone Chakra sets. I am also selling Tibetan quartz by the piece, whereas before they were only available in Chakra Sets. We also have two new classes for the beginning of this year. January 30th at 6:30 is our crystal workshop, and in February, we are offering and introduction to Reiki class.
This New Year is full of changes, so check back often. More information on all our products and services can be found by visiting or liking and adding it to your interests list.
Be Blessed!
A World Apart, LLC
2 Maple Ave
Pennsville, NJ 08070
follow us on twitter AWorldApartNJ
February newsletter 2013
February is here and love is in the air!
This month at A World Apart we will be featuring Rose Quartz. This crystal is the epitome of love in the gem and mineral kingdom. It is said to be the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, making it ideal for anyone working on healing their heart chakra. This stone can allow you to understand the true essence of love allowing deep inner healing and self love. Rose quartz can also help you to attract love into your life. It can restore trust and harmony in existing relationships and encourage unconditional love. One important thing to remember is the most important love is not from another but from ourselves. This is hard for some people to do, however with rose quarts and its fine ability to heal emotions, you can work towards opening your heart to yourself and begin to cherish yourself as you so deserve. All rose quartz items are 10% off through February.
Now that you have chosen your perfect stone to help with love, why not get the answers to those burning questions about your love life. For a limited time only we are offering Love readings which include a love oil pouch and all for only $26.95. Again, we are only offering these for the month of February, so if you ever wanted Tomas to tell you about your love life, now is the time to get those answers! Love readings are by appointment only so call the shop at 856-678-2444 to schedule your appointment.
Are you a Mom? Read this: Angel Readings this month have revealed a specific focus. As we say often, no two Angel Readings are the same because the highest Spiritual good of each client is unique to the person. So, when an overwhelming number of clients report that their reading experience has really helped heal a specific issue, we take that as a sign from the Divine. Many of our clients who are Mothers have given us feedback that their readings this month have helped repair relationship breakdowns between them and their child. We are happy that our spiritual services have been able to inspire people to heal family wounds. Because this family healing energy is strong right now, we are offering a special package for the month of February. If you or a Mom you know is in need of a healing in their relationship with their child, come in for a ‘Mother’s Heart’ reading and get the follow up package and workshop FREE (workshop scheduled for March) A $130 value on special ONLY $65!
This year we created a new workshop called Introduction to Reiki. In this informative class we will go over what Reiki is and isn’t, how and why it works and the different types of Reiki. Each participant will get to experience Reiki energy first hand and learn more about becoming a certified Reiki practitioner. Desire to become certified is NOT necessary to attend this class, however, those participants that would like to take the Reiki certification class will receive a $35 credit towards their tuition if signing up at the end of this workshop. Introduction to Reiki will be held on February 10th at 11:00 and cost is $35 per person.
Reiki level 1 certification will be held on February 24th at 10am, followed by Level 2 on March 10th at 10am. Seating is limited to 6 participants therefore pre-registration is required with a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold your space. Again, anyone attending the Introduction to Reiki seminar will receive a $35 credit towards the cost of certification. For more information on Reiki certification stop by the shop, visit or call us at 856-678-2444
Coming soon: Fundamentals of Wicca and Introduction to Tarot. Sign up sheets available at A World Apart!
Love to you! ~Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444 Twitter @AWorldApartNJ
Want to show us some love???? Next time you are in the shop, check in on your mobile device, visit us on foursquare, find us on yelp, leave us feedback where every you can. Your positive reviews and word of mouth are a great and FREE way to show us how much you care.
This month at A World Apart we will be featuring Rose Quartz. This crystal is the epitome of love in the gem and mineral kingdom. It is said to be the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, making it ideal for anyone working on healing their heart chakra. This stone can allow you to understand the true essence of love allowing deep inner healing and self love. Rose quartz can also help you to attract love into your life. It can restore trust and harmony in existing relationships and encourage unconditional love. One important thing to remember is the most important love is not from another but from ourselves. This is hard for some people to do, however with rose quarts and its fine ability to heal emotions, you can work towards opening your heart to yourself and begin to cherish yourself as you so deserve. All rose quartz items are 10% off through February.
Now that you have chosen your perfect stone to help with love, why not get the answers to those burning questions about your love life. For a limited time only we are offering Love readings which include a love oil pouch and all for only $26.95. Again, we are only offering these for the month of February, so if you ever wanted Tomas to tell you about your love life, now is the time to get those answers! Love readings are by appointment only so call the shop at 856-678-2444 to schedule your appointment.
Are you a Mom? Read this: Angel Readings this month have revealed a specific focus. As we say often, no two Angel Readings are the same because the highest Spiritual good of each client is unique to the person. So, when an overwhelming number of clients report that their reading experience has really helped heal a specific issue, we take that as a sign from the Divine. Many of our clients who are Mothers have given us feedback that their readings this month have helped repair relationship breakdowns between them and their child. We are happy that our spiritual services have been able to inspire people to heal family wounds. Because this family healing energy is strong right now, we are offering a special package for the month of February. If you or a Mom you know is in need of a healing in their relationship with their child, come in for a ‘Mother’s Heart’ reading and get the follow up package and workshop FREE (workshop scheduled for March) A $130 value on special ONLY $65!
This year we created a new workshop called Introduction to Reiki. In this informative class we will go over what Reiki is and isn’t, how and why it works and the different types of Reiki. Each participant will get to experience Reiki energy first hand and learn more about becoming a certified Reiki practitioner. Desire to become certified is NOT necessary to attend this class, however, those participants that would like to take the Reiki certification class will receive a $35 credit towards their tuition if signing up at the end of this workshop. Introduction to Reiki will be held on February 10th at 11:00 and cost is $35 per person.
Reiki level 1 certification will be held on February 24th at 10am, followed by Level 2 on March 10th at 10am. Seating is limited to 6 participants therefore pre-registration is required with a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold your space. Again, anyone attending the Introduction to Reiki seminar will receive a $35 credit towards the cost of certification. For more information on Reiki certification stop by the shop, visit or call us at 856-678-2444
Coming soon: Fundamentals of Wicca and Introduction to Tarot. Sign up sheets available at A World Apart!
Love to you! ~Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444 Twitter @AWorldApartNJ
Want to show us some love???? Next time you are in the shop, check in on your mobile device, visit us on foursquare, find us on yelp, leave us feedback where every you can. Your positive reviews and word of mouth are a great and FREE way to show us how much you care.
March newsletter 2013
March is finally upon us which means Spring is right around the corner! Now is a good time to start planning your “spring cleaning” rituals and I am not just talking about washing the windows and dusting those long forgotten corners. Yes, it’s a great idea to keep your environment clean, but what about the environment in which your spirit resides. Take some time to reflect on the things you want in life and clean out what no longer serves you. Just like dust accumulates in places we can’t easily reach, so do old thoughts and emotions that we cram down below the surface so we think we don’t have to deal with them. Let’s get rid of that “junk” so we can make room for more beauty and joy in our lives.
One of the most gentle yet highly effective ways to “clean house” is with Reiki. Reiki is an excellent way to reawaken your spirit and help release and heal old issues that may be blocking the way for peace and joy. Reiki heals every level of your being and because of its gentle nature anyone can receive a treatment. Reiki is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. For the month of March, full Reiki sessions are only $40 each. For more information about Reiki visit our website, email, call or feel free to stop in the shop and ask. If you have never experienced Reiki before and would like to try it, don’t hesitate to ask, Reiki samples are always free.
A new month means a new crystal is featured at A World Apart. This month’s selection is Selenite. Selenite helps bring clarity of the mind and instills deep peace. Because of its ability to instill calm and peace, this is an excellent stone for meditation. You can also use Selenite to create a protective grid around your house which would create an energetically safe and quiet space. All Selenite items are 10% off.
Upcoming classes this month:
Introduction to Tarot will teach you how to interpret the cards and go over the various lay outs that can be used. Decks are available for purchase, however you can bring your own deck if you choose. This class will be held on Thursday March 14th at 7:00pm and is $25 per person. Call, email or stop in to sign up a.s.a.p. as seating is limited.
Wednesday March 6th at 6:45 pm will be part 2 of the Crystals! workshop. You can still attend this class even if you did not attend part 1. This class will go over the various ways to cleanse and charge your crystals, programming and then how to use them. Cost is $10 per person.
As a reminder, Angel Readings remain our most popular service and we are so happy to be able to bring them to you. However, due to the increasing popularity of this service appointments are filling up fast. Please remember to schedule your readings as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on these incredible spiritual moments.
Stay blessed!
Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444 twitter: AWorldApartNJ
March is finally upon us which means Spring is right around the corner! Now is a good time to start planning your “spring cleaning” rituals and I am not just talking about washing the windows and dusting those long forgotten corners. Yes, it’s a great idea to keep your environment clean, but what about the environment in which your spirit resides. Take some time to reflect on the things you want in life and clean out what no longer serves you. Just like dust accumulates in places we can’t easily reach, so do old thoughts and emotions that we cram down below the surface so we think we don’t have to deal with them. Let’s get rid of that “junk” so we can make room for more beauty and joy in our lives.
One of the most gentle yet highly effective ways to “clean house” is with Reiki. Reiki is an excellent way to reawaken your spirit and help release and heal old issues that may be blocking the way for peace and joy. Reiki heals every level of your being and because of its gentle nature anyone can receive a treatment. Reiki is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. For the month of March, full Reiki sessions are only $40 each. For more information about Reiki visit our website, email, call or feel free to stop in the shop and ask. If you have never experienced Reiki before and would like to try it, don’t hesitate to ask, Reiki samples are always free.
A new month means a new crystal is featured at A World Apart. This month’s selection is Selenite. Selenite helps bring clarity of the mind and instills deep peace. Because of its ability to instill calm and peace, this is an excellent stone for meditation. You can also use Selenite to create a protective grid around your house which would create an energetically safe and quiet space. All Selenite items are 10% off.
Upcoming classes this month:
Introduction to Tarot will teach you how to interpret the cards and go over the various lay outs that can be used. Decks are available for purchase, however you can bring your own deck if you choose. This class will be held on Thursday March 14th at 7:00pm and is $25 per person. Call, email or stop in to sign up a.s.a.p. as seating is limited.
Wednesday March 6th at 6:45 pm will be part 2 of the Crystals! workshop. You can still attend this class even if you did not attend part 1. This class will go over the various ways to cleanse and charge your crystals, programming and then how to use them. Cost is $10 per person.
As a reminder, Angel Readings remain our most popular service and we are so happy to be able to bring them to you. However, due to the increasing popularity of this service appointments are filling up fast. Please remember to schedule your readings as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on these incredible spiritual moments.
Stay blessed!
Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Ave Pennsville, NJ 08070 856-678-2444 twitter: AWorldApartNJ
April newsletter 2013
This month I am keeping it short and simple.
SPRING CLEANING SALE!!! Everything in the store is on sale up to 60% off! How great is that! Sale starts April 2nd.
The featured crystal this month is Tibetan Quartz. The following information regarding these crystals is taken from Love Is In The Earth by Melody: Tibetan Quartz have been used to promote contact with the ancient cultures of the East, bringing a knowledge and information concerning healing and spirituality to the user. They have been used to facilitate fasting and abstinence from that which one chooses. In addition, healing and mediation both have been enhanced. Wearing the Tibetan crystal has induced total centering of the self and has, when accessed, produced an energy conducive to channeling. The crystal tends to contain a very powerful "OM" vibration, prompting the inventive powers. The body can attune to this resonance and can radiate the energy and verity of the higher self. Kirlian photography has shown that when cleansed, these crystals emanate the total spectrum of color, and can hence be applied to all energy meridians for stimulation and cleansing- and can be used in the healing of all centers.
Happy Spring :)
Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Avenue Pennsville, NJ 08070 (856)678-2444 Follow us on Twitter: AWorldApartNJ
SPRING CLEANING SALE!!! Everything in the store is on sale up to 60% off! How great is that! Sale starts April 2nd.
The featured crystal this month is Tibetan Quartz. The following information regarding these crystals is taken from Love Is In The Earth by Melody: Tibetan Quartz have been used to promote contact with the ancient cultures of the East, bringing a knowledge and information concerning healing and spirituality to the user. They have been used to facilitate fasting and abstinence from that which one chooses. In addition, healing and mediation both have been enhanced. Wearing the Tibetan crystal has induced total centering of the self and has, when accessed, produced an energy conducive to channeling. The crystal tends to contain a very powerful "OM" vibration, prompting the inventive powers. The body can attune to this resonance and can radiate the energy and verity of the higher self. Kirlian photography has shown that when cleansed, these crystals emanate the total spectrum of color, and can hence be applied to all energy meridians for stimulation and cleansing- and can be used in the healing of all centers.
Happy Spring :)
Eden A World Apart, LLC 2 Maple Avenue Pennsville, NJ 08070 (856)678-2444 Follow us on Twitter: AWorldApartNJ
May newsletter 2013
A World Apart is moving. This means the big Spring Cleaning sale has
now become the Moving Sale. EVERYTHING must go. As the move date
approaches some of the furniture/fixtures will be for sale too. When
enough inventory has been cleared those fixtures/furniture will become
available on a first come first served basis so make offers now and you
will be on the contact list. This sale has excellent timing since
Mothers day is this Sunday. Come in and get something great for mom!
Everything is still marked down from the spring cleaning sale with
additional discounts taken at the register!
Where am I moving to? Ahhh, stay tuned for details. I can tell you I am staying in Salem County, the rest is a surprise. I can also tell you it is on a main road so it will be easy to find. A World Apart is not only be getting a new home but a new look and name as well. I have decided that a completely fresh start is the best way to go. Once everything is official I will announce the new location and name. It's all very exciting! For now you can keep up to date as you normally would through facebook, the web page and twitter.
All in all this has been an interesting year so far if I do say so myself. Many things have happened both good and bad. Much of my time was spent putting my faith in others instead of myself. Trying to please others and ignoring my own needs and instincts. I finally stopped living for others and began following my on inner light. I've parted ways with some people and saw others for what they truly were. I am now able to look at things from a fresh perspective and with joy. Joy because I am doing what I have been telling others to do. Listen to your instincts, follow your inner guidance and live life for yourself. That does not mean stop doing for others and being kind. You can still be kind and giving, so long as you do not violate your own rights to having a joyous and happy life.
Light & Love
Where am I moving to? Ahhh, stay tuned for details. I can tell you I am staying in Salem County, the rest is a surprise. I can also tell you it is on a main road so it will be easy to find. A World Apart is not only be getting a new home but a new look and name as well. I have decided that a completely fresh start is the best way to go. Once everything is official I will announce the new location and name. It's all very exciting! For now you can keep up to date as you normally would through facebook, the web page and twitter.
All in all this has been an interesting year so far if I do say so myself. Many things have happened both good and bad. Much of my time was spent putting my faith in others instead of myself. Trying to please others and ignoring my own needs and instincts. I finally stopped living for others and began following my on inner light. I've parted ways with some people and saw others for what they truly were. I am now able to look at things from a fresh perspective and with joy. Joy because I am doing what I have been telling others to do. Listen to your instincts, follow your inner guidance and live life for yourself. That does not mean stop doing for others and being kind. You can still be kind and giving, so long as you do not violate your own rights to having a joyous and happy life.
Light & Love
June newsletter 2013
June is here which means the ever looming deadline of moving is just
ahead. Oh, it’s not a bad thing. The packing part, well, that’s no
fun, but the move itself is exciting! So here is the latest... The
business license for the new location has been granted, painting will
begin this weekend, followed by the remaining set up, then the move.
The projected move date is still set for mid-end June.
A new phone line is in the works and the new number will be published as soon as the number goes live. Until that information is made available, the current A World Apart number will be on until June 15th.
Speaking of June, Fathers day is the 16th! This is also the month for graduations. Take advantage of the moving sale to get dad or your grad a great gift! Remember, EVERYTHING has been marked down from 5%-60% off with a chance to get an additional 5%-15% off your entire purchase. Its win-win! You get great items for an incredible price and I have less stuff to pack and move! See, everyone is happy :)
A Moment of Zen will still have many of the items you have come to know and love at A World Apart. As the current inventory is being cleared out, plans for new goodies are being made. Orders are being held with vendors waiting on the okay to ship which means new and exciting products on their way. For a little sneak “peek” I can tell you some new crystal pieces are on order, along with authentic Tibetan incense (quite lovely!), gift-ware, meditation items and new candles will be coming soon. There are plenty of other new items but you will just have to wait until the grand opening to see!
Remember, you can always get the latest information by visiting the facebook pages listed below, checking the website, reading these newsletters, or talking to me personally. Thanks again to everyone for their patience during this transition. When the move has completed and the new shop is up and running it is going to be like a whole new world. I hope you will continue to show your support at the new location. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love and peace to you!
Eden A World Apart, LLC T/A A Moment of Zen Currently located at 2 Maple Avenue Pennsville, NJ 08070 (856)678-2444 moving to 157 West Broadway in Salem, NJ 08079 Follow us on Twitter: AWorldApartNJ
A new phone line is in the works and the new number will be published as soon as the number goes live. Until that information is made available, the current A World Apart number will be on until June 15th.
Speaking of June, Fathers day is the 16th! This is also the month for graduations. Take advantage of the moving sale to get dad or your grad a great gift! Remember, EVERYTHING has been marked down from 5%-60% off with a chance to get an additional 5%-15% off your entire purchase. Its win-win! You get great items for an incredible price and I have less stuff to pack and move! See, everyone is happy :)
A Moment of Zen will still have many of the items you have come to know and love at A World Apart. As the current inventory is being cleared out, plans for new goodies are being made. Orders are being held with vendors waiting on the okay to ship which means new and exciting products on their way. For a little sneak “peek” I can tell you some new crystal pieces are on order, along with authentic Tibetan incense (quite lovely!), gift-ware, meditation items and new candles will be coming soon. There are plenty of other new items but you will just have to wait until the grand opening to see!
Remember, you can always get the latest information by visiting the facebook pages listed below, checking the website, reading these newsletters, or talking to me personally. Thanks again to everyone for their patience during this transition. When the move has completed and the new shop is up and running it is going to be like a whole new world. I hope you will continue to show your support at the new location. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love and peace to you!
Eden A World Apart, LLC T/A A Moment of Zen Currently located at 2 Maple Avenue Pennsville, NJ 08070 (856)678-2444 moving to 157 West Broadway in Salem, NJ 08079 Follow us on Twitter: AWorldApartNJ
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