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If you read my post from 2013 about Mercury Retrograde you will get an understanding of why many folks would rather hide in a cave and wait it out. But like I said in that post, it doesn't have to be that bad and this time around, at least for me, it hasn't been. Aside from a few computer glitches here and there and noticing on occasion when I am talking to someone the conversation coming from my end feels a bit awkward, its actually been nice.
Keeping in mind that when in MR we have an opportune time for things such as reflection, revisit projeccts that have been sitting undone, cleaning house (mental/emotional) and so on.
I embraced the energy of the MR phase this time around and got stuff done, and am still doing it. It has meant hard work, going withing and facing truths I didnt want to face. Dealing with issues I would rather have ignored and told my self, 'I will get to it later' knowing damn well later never gets here. However, getting it out as uncomfortable as the process may have been was well worth it. My channels are clearer, intuition is heightened and things in my life have a better flow.
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I made decisions about the shop which also meant hard physical work. I rearranged the shop (with help that I am super thankful for,(check out my Collective We post), got rid of clutter and ended up with an even more beautiful shop with a better flow.
image borrowed from huffington post and an article about going with the flow, check it out here |
So now let me ask you this, the point of this post, how YOU are making out? Are you taking this time to reflect? Are you being proactive and getting things done you have been putting off? Are you using this energy wisely? If not, that is okay too. It's your life after all and you ultimately decide what to do with it.
Anyway, please feel free to comment and share how you get through MR phases. Life is so much more enjoyable when we help each other out. Reading about our experiences and sharing what we do can be more helpful that you may realize. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and if you felt so inclined, sharing yours.
I actually went with the flow this time and decided to help a friend clear out some emotional clutter. During the process, I discovered I had an issue that has been causing me sadness, and regret for many years. I'm still working on getting through it, but I believe the MR energy has been extremely helpful.